Scaling Women SMEs

Enabling the Growth of High Impact Women-Led Enterprises across Africa

Re-Training & Upskilling

Re-Training, Upskilling, Repositioning the african workforce for the
4th & 5th industrial revolutions

Women Farmer Co-operatives

Support to women farmer
co- operatives to develop large-scale income generating opportunities

Thematic Incubators

Our Thematic incubators provide pathways from Higher Education
into Self employment / Entrepreneurship

The AU

 African Governance, Peace and Security Programme


Hosting the Africa Inter-Party Dialogue Network Secretariat


Adopting integrated approaches to agriculture and environmental management

Sex & Gender-based Violence

Combatting Sexual & Gender Based Violence in its various forms

Income Diversification

Building new brands for income diversification of Rural Women

Male Engagement

He for She-ensuring male engagement across all of SIAs programs

Advocacy Training

Advocacy Training for women & youth to engage duty bearers

New African markets

Training women cooperatives to unlock value in the Shea, Soy and Groundnut value chains

Sustainable Futures

Ensuring Sustainable Futures for Africa´s
Youth Reducing Inequalities & promoting workforce participation

The Africa We Want

Social Innovation Africa (SiA) is an economic, social and catalytic and transformative development organization.
As a Social Enterprise enabler, we are focused on accelerating Africa’s development.

Social Innovation Africa (SiA) is an economic, social and catalytic and transformative development organization.
As a Social Enterprise enabler, we are focused on accelerating Africa’s development.



The creation of a vibrant regional feminist and youth social enterprise movement whose aim is geared at creating opportunities through agribusiness, training and programs that lead to transformative jobs. Resulting in a business environment conducive for decent work and an Africa Beyond Aid.



We focus on women and girls using our unique transformative program approaches. This is in direct response to the continent’s SGBV statistics and factors the intersectionality with areas such as climate, and innovation that will produce resilient economies in Africa’s conflict zones & rural areas.

Scaling Women SMEs


SIA’s Governance, Peace and Security Programme  subscribes to the imperative of resolving Africa’s governance and security challenges, as a precondition of sustainable development and the well-being and prosperity of Africans. It also houses SIA’s Women in Peace & Security Program.

Advocacy Training


Foster SME growth by improving linkages with BDS providers, anchor firms, exporters, & other service providers, to improve credit access, markets addressing the root causes of under-investment in agriculture & building the capacity of marginalized populations to participate more fully in agribusiness and trade by ACFTA.

UDS Collaborates With NORSAAC And SIA In Fostering Gender Equality And Capacity Development

In an innovative partnership aimed at fostering gender equality and capacity development, the University for Development Studies (UDS) on March 28, 2024, joined forces with Social Innovation Africa (SIA) and NORSAAC.

AIPDN: IPOD Collaboration.

On the 21st of March 2024, Mr. Kenneth Mpyisi, Coordinator African Inter Party Network (AIPDN) and Regional Director of Social Innovation Africa (SIA) met with Dr. Lawrence Sserwambala, Executive Secretary, Inter Party Organization for Dialogue (IPOD), to discuss collaboration between the two organizations. The meeting was held in Kampala, Uganda.

Support Inclusive Dialogue and Participation of Women and Youth during the Electoral Process in South Sudan 2024.

Mr. Kenneth Mpyisi, Coordinator African Inter Party Network (AIPDN) and Regional Director of Social Innovation Africa (SIA) travelled to Juba, South Sudan from 17th-21st March 2024to hold discussions with key stakeholders in support of the forthcoming collaborative initiative on inclusive dialogue and participation of youth and women during the electoral process in South Sudan. The initiative is a collaboration between the African Interparty Dialogue Network (AIPDN), Gender Empowerment for South Sudan Organization (GESSO), the Intergovernmental Authority on Development/Mediating Support Unit (IGAD/MSU), and National Democratic Institute (NDI).

Improving Democracy Through Political Education

On 19th March 2024 African Interparty Dialogue Network and the Austrian Social Democratic Party held a virtual session meeting discussing the collaboration between the two organizations. The meeting was attended by members of East African Legislature Assembly, IGAD/Mediation Support Unit, Inter Party Organization on Dialogue, African Bioethics Network, and African Inter Party Dialogue Network: Social Innovation Africa..

The Intergovermental Authority Development (IGAD) in partnership with the African Inter-Party Dialogue Network (AIPDN) held a Roundtable on the understanding the workings of politicians and journalists in support of the reduction of tensions in the Horn of Africa societies in Juba, South Sudan from 10th-12th June 2024.
The roundtable made several recommendations to be implemented at both the regional and national levels.

The African Inter-Party Party Dialogue Network ( AIPDN) and the University of Nairpbo, Institute for Diplomacy and International Studies ( IDIS) conducted a 5 day training in diplomacy, negotiation and mediation at the University of Nairobi Towers from 3rd to 7th June. This is a unique course that equips participants with the necessary skills in diplomacy, negotiation, and mediation to effectively carry out their professional duties. The successful participants were awarded professional certicates awarded by the University of Naorbi. The course enables them to pursue career opportunities as court annexed mediators and International mediators

Message from Founder

We are about how we use our entrepreneurial spirit, knowledge, herstory, dating back thousands of years and fuse it with technology in all its glory to live better, to articulate better, to serve ourselves better for the fulfilment of our destiny of a continent that has everything we need and much of what the rest of the world needs.

Podcast: Africa Supernova

Africa Supernova brings together two dynamic individuals from different generations into the same space about Africa, the Future.

In this introductory episode, the Africa Supernova podcast, showcases the transformative power of cross-generational dialogue, as Emmanuel and Anatu bridge the gap between their experiences, perspectives, and aspirations for Africa.



A vibrant Africa guided by the principles of good governance, equity, sustainable, economic prosperity and social justice.



To provide evidence based innovative solutions through research, capacity building, technical support, and inclusive dialogue leading towards a harmonious and prosperous Africa.

Support our Cause, Volunteer, Donate, Advocate, Get Started Today.
