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Building Africa’s Brands: Agribusiness

SiA, as an economic, social and cultural think tank, we understand the innate value and potential that supporting social enterprises can have on the communities they serve.

Building globally competitive brands benefits producers at the bottom of the pyramid as well as the various value chain actors when such a chain grows,it creates jobs, and enables community to earn better and be the authors of their own destinies.

Africa is positioned to take advantage of several opportunities: AfCFTA is the one that readily comes to mind for all Africans since January 2021.

The 1.3billion single market enables producers to think beyond national borders, and to think globally. SIA has a multi-disciplinary team of experts supporting its Brand Building Program. Each project is tailored to the sector of the client and has a core institutional strengthening component.

Common to all teams are: an Agricultural economist, market access expert, business development, investment analyst, Brand management & marketing, technology, value chain expert, etc.

Building a new African Brands and Value Chains

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